Thursday, September 22, 2005

Short Story

Well, I'm writting this because the a Hell raiser tagged me. Anwin has written a 55 words story.
Hmm.. I will choose a 55 letters one. Hehehe...

Behind a tree, I saw beautiful curves, bright...light.... Went near... ah..Fire.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Probability of balls!!!

Today, yet again the same trainer came into the class to give us more info on Java. Our chapter for today was collection APIs. AS we all know API is an interface. There came a example which he wanted to explain.

Here it goes...

Trainer (He): What do you Peepuls know about the probability?
Class: (No words...)
He: Ok, I will tell you what the probability is... try to understand.
(Took me and another girl as the characters in the example he started...)
He: Now, Peeplus, Assume Karthik has got 3 balls in him. 2 balls in Red and 1 green.
Me: (What the f***?)
He: Now, Ip I ask Sandya to pick 1 red ball, what is the probability op her picking the ball?
Me: (Zero Probability, I wont let her touch any of those...)
Class: 66% He: right, Peepuls, Now ip she picks the green, the probability is less.
Me: (Again, No probability... Man, tell some other example or at least someone else.)
HE: So... When this thing comes... the bupper will ready.
He: .......... ........... And so went the class.

Todays example, again a sick one.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Story- 55 Words

Well, I'm tagged by Anwin and Naveen to write a story in 55 words, here it goes...

It was a pleasant evening. It was me and she. Walking in the forest. All green and dark. I can hear the sound of water some. Its nearby, but not able to see it.
Getting closer to it, towards my right. All of a sudden water splashes on my head and it is Monday morning.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Got it my point?

Hi, guys, Think I'm getting things to blog quite often nowadays. Here comes another one.
In India, today how are the computer intitutes/consultancies run?(in terms of the faculties and the people who work there).

Here is a sample, happening in one of th leading institutes in Bangalore. Today When I went to my Java Training, my Faculty had an accident i nthe morning while coming, so a substitute(Who is also a trainner on java) was appointed to train for today. Good!! that they still kept the show going. there are some institutes who dont do that.

But the point is how did that guy speak... His communication skill was Eshtradinary.

This is how it began...

Trainer: Guys let ishtart...
We: !@#$%?
Trainer: Shince, its only the 2nd day, Lets see vat is Java...
Trainer(He): Java is a Langu-vage, its Dynamic, Robast, and secure. Got it my point?
He: Peepuls, I will tell you is to vat is the properties to Java.
Java is Abestract (suppose to be Abstract)
In Java we can Encapsulate.
When it came to inheritance... the example that he gave me... I got zapped!!!

(As the name suggests... Its nothing but Inheriting properting of its parent class).
He: Peepuls, I will give you one eg-jampul.

A son can inherit properties(habits) from his father. It is called inheritance...
But if a Son can inherit Properties from 2 Fathers...(oh man...) that is Multiple inheritance.
(Definitely, could have given a better example.)
He: When we call for request.. it will ready. (what will ready?)
We: @#$%&?!

Getting a little bit away from the topic...

He: Getting job will easy. No problem at all. I know a lot of reference... (then Why the f*** are you here?)
As you get it my point, you get it the job... very easy yaar...
You ishtart to pollow my... you will get it the job. No worries...

This went for 2 and 1/s hours. With all my temper deep inside...with a hope that my trainer will be back tomorrow.

If this is what we will get it... I will really have to think it.... :-)