Lunch at Fisherman's Cove!
After a long long time, I'm writing a post today. Seriously, I made it a point to write it. I had been to Mahabalipuram today because we had a client visit in my office and this outing was a part of his hospitality. I was not ready to take up the offer of going with the client, because, No.1 he is 50 years old, No.2 He drinks very less, No.3, He has a young daughter, who he left behind at his home country when coming here.
Anyway, let me tell you what happened. I'm telling you only the 1st part of the trip. Cos only that was interesting. Part 2 is not that interesting. We all shared and left to Fisherman's Cove (A Taj resort). We went there for lunch. What a place man, babes everywhere. Beach attached. They have there own private beach. Believe me. Didn't find any chick there though. there is a beautiful beach side tales, where you can eat, and there is a separate buffet hall inside. Some good chicks were seated in the buffet hall so we headed to have a buffet.
Couple of us Ordered Wine, and other 2 ordered bear. It was only a 5 people trip. and the other one does not drink(So sad, he doesn’t know what he is missing in life), anyway, we completed our lunch and the client asked me if I want to taste
All three went to the table that had the cognac bottle and he poured them into 3 glasses. Just a small in each (anyway, my company was going to bare it ;-)). So we all took our glasses and came back to our table.
then I sip, already expecting a wonderful taste... My expression changes... so does the clients' and the other guy's.
Me: Is this original?
The client: Its bad.. he keeps his face like yuk...
The other guy: You sure its wine?
We all left the rest in our glasses and wait for the water to come.
Me: Why does the
The client: Yea can you tell me why it tasted bad?
Waiter: Sorry sir, that's just some powder mixed water... that’s a show piece, you need to order to drink.
Shit... What the f#$%, what have I drunk? #$%^$$#
With an embarrassed face I look up and...
Waiter (consoles): Its OK sir, that water does not harm you.
Well, just when I thought nobody was watching, the other guy' asked ye another question to make my situation even worse...
The other guy: Why isn't there a board or something to tell people, that its just show piece.
Waiter: Everyone here knows sir, that its a show piece, we can' leave these grade of wine on the tables. They will have to be ordered sir.
That’s it, he simply meant, that it’s only you jerks who didn’t know that.
Next scene:
We pay the bill and leave the place.
What a sad ending man. We then head to Mahabalipuram...