Thursday, June 01, 2006

Reservation - Is a protest just enough?

Hiya guys, Wanted to write about this last week, but you know why I couldn't(if you don't know, read this). Naveen had written a post on it and I had put my point there as well. There was some one who was personally hurt by the post. Well, the post is surely not written to hurt anyone's feelings, but, it does obviously show that a lot of people in this nation are personally affected by this problem. We are reading news about this reservation problems everyday, every minute now. The best example of how people are affected just reflects in their words(read the 1st anonymous comment). I don’t blame that person, cos may be she is a victim.
As far as I can recollect, this rule of reservation was only a temporary move included in the law by Dr. Ambethkar. And I believe it was only for 10 or 15 years, until, the education reaches rural as well. But its almost 5 decades now. It IS an excellent move that reservation exists, so that, even the so-called SC/ST/BC/MBC/OBC people are benefited. But now, it seems that it has gone to an extent where if an FC guy wants to become a Doc or Engineer, he would pay to get an ST certificate!
Well, its true that reservations should be eradicated. But, can it be done right now, like how these protestors need it. Hmmm...

I think NO.

Possible causes could be:

1) It's still not time ST/SC guys are equally competent like forward community guys.
2) Eradicating reservations now might affect a great, great deal in the elections. I mean the no. of votes that the politicians will lose can even turn down the govt.
3) More than that it could and WILL affect the present and the next (at least)3 years candidates. I mean the SC/ST candidates.
4) Right now its the Doctors and medicine students protesting. If the protest is a success, that might trigger similar protests for engineers and other fields as well!

Precisely, what you protestors want, rather need, is something where India might reach after 3 or 4 decades. Trust me there is a great deal of legal changes that are involved in the change that is being asked for. And it is NOT that easy to get against reservations. Not at least this soon, unless the protest turns into a revolution! As in like a big event in tomorrow's history.
What I don’t understand is, we’ve been saying that 'Student's power is unmatched’; 'Students are the future of our nation'. Yet we are not able to accomplish what we want that easily! So what's lacking. People for reservations are still looking at it as just a protest (like the other stupid protest against Da Vinci code). From my point, I think, it should be more than a protest, a revolutionary act. Cos' what you guys are fighting against is not just SC/ST reservations in MBBS. It’s against
casteism, racism, community, emotions, future of a lot of people in our nation. Cos' a +ve result for the protestors could trigger more than what we could see.
All that I could think of is that this protest CANNOT be answered immediately. But, a decision can surely be taken to eradicate it in the near future.


Blogger Naveen Roy said...

Well....true......there are people personally affected...but whoever thinks of the millions affected only because of them being from a "lower" caste?? Reservatins need to be there for quite some time to come.....unless u can do away with all forms of casteism...which is again not going to happen for quite some time....

8:29 AM  

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