Sunday, May 06, 2007

Karnataka against women working night shifts

Well, I should have titled it as 'Arrest the victims'. You all must have heard about the Karnataka's Ban on women working late. Very interesting isn't it. What I dont understand is that how this is actually going to protect women?

Is all Rapes and molastations are happening only after 8PM? May be it could hapen because of excess drinking of '8PM';-), but, not otherwise. Or is it impossible to rape someone before 8PM? Mahakavi Bharathi should sure be proud that he was not born in Karnataka, but sure should be ashamed to be born in this country. By law, no one has the power to say Women or men cannot work in the night. They asked fo protections and not lockups.

On top of all that, Wome in IT and ITES are excluded from the rule. Is it because no one rapes IT women, or is it that they donr need protection. Just becdasue they cannot afford to do that to IT women and if they did the IT companies will stand against it and it wil potentially bring down future IT inverstors, they choose not to protect IT women. Excellent Idea isn't it?? Moreover, Karnataka CM has declared that Sex education will not be included in the schools because its against our culture!

Well ladies, what do you expect in a country that gives arrest warrant for kissing? We have the most slutty abominable people in this country. Lets atleast hope to build our next generation better, afterall we've always been good at that!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

we pave the way for a better future dude... we have to work on it ourselves... cant trust these buggers who are looking for only "votes"

10:33 PM  
Blogger Naveen Roy said...

Yeah and when you get a chance to, hook up a local politician on a meat-hook......

10:52 PM  
Blogger Zeon said...

Oh sure, we need to find a way to do our part.

9:17 PM  

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